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Amana Tool

Solid Carbide Spiral Plunge 1/8 Diameter x 1/2 x 1/4 Inch Shank Up-Cut

Solid Carbide Spiral Plunge 1/8 Diameter x 1/2 x 1/4 Inch Shank Up-Cut

SKU: SKU:46100

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Amana Tool Solid Carbide Spiral Plunge 1/8 Diameter x 1/2 x 1/4 Inch Shank Up-Cut

SKU: 46100

Direction: Up-Cut
(D) Diameter: 1/8"
(B) Cutting Height: 1/2"
(d) Shank: 1/4"
(L) Overall Length: 2"
Flutes: 2
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Spiral-flute bits combine a shearing action in cutting with an augering action in chip clearance. The shearing action yields an especially clean accurate cut while the augering action clears chips from the cut.

The ‘Up-Cut’ shears from the bottom up pulling chips from the bottom up thus allowing deeper penetration with less stress on the tool. An excellent choice for mortising.

Special unique carbide grade increased clearance geometry and razor-sharp cutting edges with polished flutes provide a superior finish and longer tool life especially in abrasive materials. Great for production settings and excellent for creating grooves and dado cuts in particleboard, plywood and laminate. Primarily used on CNC machines and other automatic routers. Can be used with handheld and table-mounted portable routers.

46100 Vectric Compatible Tool File
The 46100 tool file is part of the Amana Master Tool File to be used with all versions of Vectric software from version 8.0 and up. Works with Aspire, VCarve, Cut2D, Cut3D and PhotoVCarve. This tool file is to be used as a starting point for your CNC projects and the parameters should be adjusted based on your project and material.
1. Download to a safe location such as your desktop.
2. In the software, open the Tool Database and use the import option to load the file from the safe location.

Vectric File Warning

The Vectric .tool file should only be used in conjunction with the Amana Tool item number specified. Using this file with other brands is dangerous to the operator and CNC machine.


Master Tool File



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